weBoost Home Studio
weBoost Home Studio is an excellent value for instantly
improving talk, text, and data in one large room. Here’s why:
• Improves cell coverage in one
large room, like a home oce,
studio apartment, or living room.
• Works with every network and all
Canadian carriers; including
Rogers, Bell, Telus, and more.
• Works on all phones and
cellular-connected devices.
• Meets all ICC guidelines and
won’t interrupt or harm any cell
carriers' signals to and from the
cell tower.
• Boosts network speeds to
provide reliable cellular
connectivity indoors for multiple
users and devices; resulting in
fewer dropped calls, uninterrupted
texts, better voice quality,
improved hotspot capability, faster
internet speeds, better streaming,
and more
• Is backed by a 2-year
manufacturer’s warranty and a
30-day money-back guarantee.